
All posts by Jim

Two years ago today, Kodak announced that they would no longer be selling Kodachrome film. As a photography, I loved that film and there was something magical about that yellow box with the large red print.

As a tribute, I put together a little slide show accompanied by Paul Simon’s tribute to the film. Enjoy..


Jim Says: “Every scooch together…”

I enjoy writing. Ideas for stories can be inspired by the smallest incidents while talking with friends or just being out and about. Sometimes, the idea flows smoothly and and pours onto the page like a fine wine. At other times, a full head of steam will dissipate like a fart in the wind leaving me with nowhere to go.

At times like that, I’ll just let the words fall where they may and fix it later. Here are a few examples from some of the various works in progress that have yet to be published on this site. Continue Reading

My bucket list

In no particular oder…

[ ] See the Aurora Borealis with my own eyes
[ ] Set the free fall skydiving record
[ ] See the curvature of the Earth from Space
[ ] Take a photo that ends up in the National Archives
[ ] Learn to play “Wish You Were Here” on guitar properly
[ ] Ride across Scotland on a motorcycle
[ ] Eliminate yodeling from the face of the Earth
[ ] Get married
[ ] Raise children
[ ] Solve the three body problem
[ ] Build a life size replica of Vermont
[ ] Secretly replace the real Vermont with my replica
[√] Restore a classic Chevy
[√] Make love to the woman I love the most
[√] Save a life
[√] Get my writing published
[√] break 100 MPH on my motorcycle
[√] See the Rolling Stones
[√ Overcome my fear of public speaking
[√] Jump out of a planern[√] Make a killer lasagne
[√] Top 150 with the top down
[√] Bench 300 pounds
[√] Climb a mountain
[√] Play the intro to “Hot for Teacher” on drums
[√] Hit a home run
[√] Participate in a Fight Club
[√ Fire a machine gun
[√ Beat somebody bigger than me in a figh
[√] Break 1 billion playing pinball
[√] Propose to Shakira
[√] Learn to juggle
[ ] Exact my revenge

Jim Says: “Working on it.”

Spotted at the bottom of the page while reading an article about a model that fell from a hotel window…

Jim Says: “The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year.”