
All posts by Jim

A little bit of Hollywood came to the old neighborhood last night as Steve Chbosky was in town filming his book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. The scene they were shooting takes place during Christmas, so in the middle of May when the average temperature has been just shy of 80, it was snowing on our street.

I was fortunate enough to be on set thanks to Steve’s kindness and I did my best to stay out of his way. We grew up together, me being a couple of years older than he, and I admit I have been remiss in keeping up with him although I still consider him a good friend (and qualifyied for a kidney should he need one.)

Steve and Jim on set

Now I know there has been tremendous buzz about this movie and everyone is probably interested in seeing the photos I took on the set. Well, you’ll just have to remind me after the movie comes out as it would be very uncool of me to reveal anything. I will say this, Steve really knows how to run a set. It was exceptionally impressive and comparing him to an orchestra conductor would be fair, except that a conductor doesn’t have half the nonsense to deal with. There’s no doubt Steve has found his true calling and is excelling at it.

Another great benefit of this production in town is that another dear friend, John, is working lights on set. It was awesome to see him as well.

John and Jim on set

rnrnJohn may actually be the hardest working man in show business. (And the set looked great!)

If you guys see this, thanks again for letting me hang with you at work. It was awesome seeing you both and I’m eagerly awaiting the premier.

Jim Says: “I really need to get back to stand up.”

A few years ago, I was managing a club near Joplin, Missouri. At that time, we had a vicious storm system come through and send a couple of tornados through Joplin. I have to admit, I’ve never seen weather quite like that before. (You can get an idea of what the storms look like down there from this video.)

So far, I haven’t been able to get a hold of anyone down there, but imagine that all cell towers are without power at the moment.rnrnI hope my friends are OK, and if you see this, shoot me a line to let me know.

Jim Says:” Kylee, Tammy, Kimberley, Stada, I’m thinking about you.”

Hey! I can cook!

Many of you know, I’m quite the gourmet chef and have spent years perfecting my craft.

I’ve decided to share one of my favorite recipes..

Some of you may be a little intimidated. Don’t be. I promise you can make it and it’s delicious.

Jim Says:”It’s a perfect for either formal or informal occasions.”

Grumpy old man

Proof that I’m getting curmudgeonly in my old age, as evidenced by my mail folders..

Jim Says:”I am two parts diamond, some say three parts dirt. I say no one moves, nobody gets hurt.”