
All posts by Jim

Lap 41 completed!

April 25. Again.

Today, I have turned 42, the ultimate age for life, the universe, and everything. Joining me in doing so is a very good friend, Scott Argiro, or as I call him, “Scotty Hollywood”. As we round this corner, I’ve noticed that I’m aging like a fine wine, while Scott, good man that he is… well, if you happen to know someone who still has an unopened can of Billy Beer…

Others who are/were completing a solar lap on this day..

  • Jason Lee
  • Al Pacino
  • Rene Zellweger
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • King Louis IX of France
  • Conrad IV of Germany
  • King Edward II of England
  • Albert King
  • Fish (lead singer for Marillion)

April 25 is also DNA Day (look it up!) So feel free join me in celebrating that as well.

Jim Says: “Happy Birthday, Scott! I’ll be calling.”

My fuel budget for the next two weeks has officially been spent.

Next paycheck is due on tax day, and there’s no hope in hell of my being able to pay those, either.

Jim Says:”Blah-blah-blah, Obama, Blah-blah-blah, repbulicans/democrats. Blah-blah-blah… It’s time that We the People, actually did something about all of this! I say we start by voting every single incumbent out of office and replace them with independents.”

Screaming headache

The spring allergies have come early to the desert, as a result, I’ve got quite the blistering headache.

However, in lieu of marginal comedy, I have posted the story of The Jeep that Saved Christmas.

 “The Jeep That Saved Christmas”

Jim Says:”What did I give up for lent? Catholicism.”

A few notes from a recent shopping trip..

It’s toothpaste. Not a Gordian Knot. Grab a tube and move on!

How adorable! Instead of one of you staying home and taking care of your FIVE children, you brought all of them with you so the rest of us could babysit them in various aisles while you look for the best deal on Bud Light.

Pardon me, but while you’re busy looking for the mythical “Perfect Dozen Eggs of Antioch”, do you mind if I just grab the one on top and get on with my life?

Again, only toothpaste. Just grab the one that’s the same color as the one you have at home.

Interesting science fact, human visual edge and depth perception doesn’t fully develop by the age of five. Therefore, it may not be the best idea to let your child “drive” the cart. EVER!