How dumb is it that I am seriously considering buying this off of eBay?

A piece of Valley Lodge
An actual piece of the Valley Lodge from “Manos: The Hands of Fate“. If you’ve never seen it, it is one of the great independent B-Movies of all time. A quotable, terrible, and highly stylized movie that you can’t help but love.
I first saw it courtesy of my beloved Mystery Science Theater 3000, and contains my all time favorite MST3K quote..
“Every frame of this movie is like the last known photo of somebody.” – Joel

It has since popped up in strange places throughout my life. Friends of mine and I have had long discussions about this movie. Once, while several cinephile friends and I were seeing just how much beer we could drink, and complaining about the terrible remakes Hollywood is forcing us to endure, Matt make a great point.
When asked what movie he would most like to remake, he replied “Manos: The Hands of Fate.” When further pressed to explain (i.e. drunken cries of “What’s the matter with you?”) he made a fantastic point. “Why remake a good, or beloved movie? What can you possibly achieve? If you’re going to remake a movie, take a terrible one and make it great.”
We thought about that for a minute, then pelted him with empty-ish beer cans. Because the one thing we really hate is somebody making sense in the middle of our fun.
So, if you’ve got an hour to kill, you could do a lot worse than watch this movie. Although, I do recommend the MST3K version for most of my “normal” friends. For my inner circle, we’ll watch both.
Jim Says:”You have failed us, Torgo. For this, you must die.”