
Happy Thanksgiving

rnrn “Dear Lord, I’ve been asked, nay commanded, to thank Thee for the turkey before us. A turkey, which was no doubt a lively, intelligent bird. A social being, capable of actual affection. . . nuzzling its young with almost human-like compassion. Anyway, it’s dead and we’re gonna eat it. Please give our respects to its family.”rnrn – Milo BloomrnrnAs is tradition in our house…rnrn

rn rn rn rn rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn

rnrnJim Says: “Shrink, I wanna kill.”

I Remember…

The problem, as I see it, isn’t opposing religious beliefs. It’s religious beliefs.

911 without religion

As for solutions, well Occam’s Razor considered…

Jim says: “Sin is an imaginary disease, invented to sell you an imaginary cure.”