
Every now and then, something just sticks in my craw. (And I think we all know how painful that can be.) With everything going on, a little forethought from companies would go a long way to building some good will as well as brand loyalty. 

Today’s grievance – packaging! I don’t ask for a lot. I have simple tastes and am a creature of habit. For example, I like Raisin Bran. Simple, good old fashioned Raisin Bran. It needs nothing, in my opinion. Great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and anytime in between. 

I understand that to maximize profits, a company must explore options, create new products, and expand their market. That’s why so many car companies offer 3 variations of the exact same car. There’s the Buick Encore, Enclave and Envision. Nissan has the Rogue, Murano, and Pathfinder. We all see it. It’s the same t-shirt, small, medium, and large.

Back to Raisin Bran. Kellogs, for some reason, decided to mess with Raisin Bran. Fair enough, update a classic for an evolving market. Use brand loyalty to expand with new(ish) products and increase profits.

Here’s my beef. The labelling needs to be VERY different. Raisin Bran Crunch, is NOT a flavor of Raisin Bran. They are very different. And the hint of bitter grain offset by raisins that makes Raisin Bran so beloved, is completely absent in the sickly sweet assault that is Raisin Bran Crunch. (Yes, it’s crunchier, but so what.)

“But, if your so into Rasin Bran, why did you buy the Crunch, idiot?” I hear you. I didn’t do it intentionally. When I find something I like, I stick with it. I’ve been eating Raisin Bran for over 40 years. And, if you’re standing in the grocery store cereal aisle, you’ll possibly spot the difference, if the two products are shelved side by side. (see image)

None of these things are anything like the other.

Now, if you’re in Costco, trying to find your essentials (as they seemingly move around the store at every visit), trying to maintain social distancing, watching out for your parent or child that may be with you, all you see is one “Raisin Bran” on the shelf.. Well, take a wild guess who has two thumbs and has a return for Costco sitting on top of the refrigerator. THIS GUY!!

There are plenty of brands that are guilty of this. But, far and away, the worst offender is Mt. Dew. In the illustration above, there is a bottle of Diet Mt. Dew in addition to regular Mt. Dew.

Did you spot it?

Imagine it’s a hot day, you’re on your way home from work, your mind still on the nonsense that you’ve been dealing with at work all day and already planning for tomorrow’s issues. You stop in to a convenience store to grab a Mt. Dew to cool off. Head back to the cooler, replaying that last phone call in your head, remembering that email you forgot to answer, etc. You swing past the cooler, grab your Mt. Dew, pay, and back into traffic to crawl your way home through rush hour.

You open your drink, still thinking about the office, and look forward to the one little joy you may be able to filch out of the day. and then.. BAM!

The acrid taste of, WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?!? 

That’s right, DIET Mt. Dew. So named because “Undrinkable Sewage” didn’t test well with focus groups. If you’ve never actually tasted it, don’t!

Those bottles need to be VERY different from each other. I recommend a giant “WARNING! DIET MT. DEW!” in a mix of fluorescent orange and red on the label.

So, thanks for coming to my rant, and remember, read those labels!

Jim says: “Only you can prevent Diet Mt. Dew!”

Many years ago, King Clyde Glunk faced a dilemma. His kingdom was about to come under siege by the Romans as they advanced through Europe. The King stepped onto his balcony and addressed his people..

“My citizens, we have a grave decision to make. The Roman army is approaching and we are badly outnumbered with no chance of victory. If we fight, we will most likely be overrun with very few survivors left to tell our tale. However, if we abandon our small kingdom to flee and hide throughout Europe, our culture will be lost and forgotten in the sands of time. I will not order you to fight. Instead, I leave the decision to you, good people. Shall we face the oncoming onslaught and fight to defend our way of life, or shall we run? I shall return in the morning for your answer.”

The next day, King Clyde Glunk, weary from a sleepless night, made his way to the balcony to once again address his people.

“Good people, I ask you. Do we run and hide? Or do we head onward into battle?”

There was silence as a lone representative from the crowd made his way to the front. He stopped, and looked up at his King. He removed his hat and began to speak…

“Your Majesty,” he said, “as your loyal subjects, we have discussed this long into the night. We have weighed every option, and have come to a solid conclusion.”

“What say you?” asked the King.

“We shall not run and hide. We shall… MARCH FORTH!”

And that’s how we came to celebrate this holiday. May you and yours have a glorius March 4th.

Jim Says:”For Sam.”

  We here at take curtailing the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) very seriously. As a result, the “Jim Cavalier Kisses Better Than You Contest” has been temporarily postponed, as has the “Jim Will Shake Hands with Everyone in Your Hospital” challenge. We are also no longer buying, nor selling, soiled intimates until this whole thing blows over.

  I’m sure many of you will be disappointed to learn that we are no longer selling “clean” blood (all types), and urine (pregnant only) for drug tests until further notice. Sadly, this also means suspending all requests for “Things That Have Been Licked”. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Lastly, to help protect our visitors, we nightly wipe our servers, like with a rag, and, with the amount of liquor we spill around the office, we’re not really worried about anything else.

Thank you, and stay safe out there.

Jim Says: “If I survived all those cases of Milwaukee’s Best in college, I’m not really worried about this Corona crap.”

Many years ago, King Clyde Glunk faced a dilemma. His kingdom was about to come under siege by the Romans as they advanced through Europe. The King stepped onto his balcony and addressed his people..

“My citizens, we have a grave decision to make. The Roman army is approaching and we are badly outnumbered with no chance of victory. If we fight, we will most likely be overrun with very few survivors left to tell our tale. However, if we abandon our small kingdom to flee and hide throughout Europe, our culture will be lost and forgotten in the sands of time. I will not order you to fight. Instead, I leave the decision to you, good people. Shall we face the oncoming onslaught and fight to defend our way of life, or shall we run? I shall return in the morning for your answer.”

The next day, King Clyde Glunk, weary from a sleepless night, made his way to the balcony to once again address his people.

“Good people, I ask you. Do we run and hide? Or do we head onward into battle?”

There was silence as a lone representative from the crowd made his way to the front. He stopped, and looked up at his King. He removed his hat and began to speak…

“Your Majesty,” he said, “as your loyal subjects, we have discussed this long into the night. We have weighed every option, and have come to a solid conclusion.”

“What say you?” asked the King.

“We shall not run and hide. We shall… MARCH FORTH!”

And that’s how we came to celebrate this holiday. May you and yours have a glorius March 4th.

Jim Says:”In honor of Sam.”