I LOVE being American!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

There are several reasons why I love this country. First and foremost is the the first amendment to the Constitution…

Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That means that I am free to voice my opinion. Not have to put up with your hokey, superstitious bullshit religions, play my guitar as badly and as loudly as I want. I don’t have to worry about stormtroopers raiding my house because I believe our current government is most corrupt political body to ever exist on this cold rock we call the “Earth”. I’m free to criticize, point fingers, yell my dissension from the mountain tops. I am free to disagree, free to state my views, no matter how ludicrous, as are you.

That’s what makes this country great. And to every “religious” person who has ever “corrected” me on my language, or attitude, or belief. I am free to say a hearty “Go fuck yourself. Life is tough, wear a helmet!” Freedom of religion is freedom from religion.

I am free to disagree, to dissent, to stand on my own individual beliefs. Am I looking for a fight? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes I’m just tired of self-rieghtous bullshit and willing to point our the hypocrisy of it all.

So, thank you to all those that risk your lives to ensure our freedoms. I wish I could have been one of you.(Fucking MCL!) Thanks to the heretics. Thanks to the dissenters that make this world great. I may not agree with you, but I will gladly lay down my life to defend your right to say whatever you want. But I am free to disagree, to tell you that you are full of shit. And you me.

I raise a glass to all of you. Fight the good fight. Don’t trust anyone over 30. Remember, the future is counting on us.

Jim Says: “Free Speech, it just gets better with age.”

Turth or Dare

In the course of my day, I encounter a lot of interesting people with cool stories to tell. My new friend Tabitha is in an upcoming independent film that I am very eager to see.

Truth or Dare


I love independent cinema and have a disdain for modern Hollywood that borders on blood lust. For example, I’d like to see Michael Bay killed in a very small, uncinematic explosion. I’d like to hit George Lucas over the head with Steven Spielberg for what they did to Indiana Jones. If it wasn’t for Miramax, most of the movies I like might never get made. (I’m looking at you, Kevin Smith, and giving the Buddy Christ thumbs up.)

I’ll be posting more on this subject in the future as it is something I’m passionate about and would someday like to write my own film. Something along the lines of “The Legend of 1900” meets the “Tao of Steve”. OK, I’ll probably write something more along the lines of “Police Academy” meets “American Pie: Band Camp”, but at least it will be mine.

Jim Says:”You’re never really done for, as long as you’ve got a good story and someone to tell it to.” (The Legend of 1900)

Two years ago today, Kodak announced that they would no longer be selling Kodachrome film. As a photography, I loved that film and there was something magical about that yellow box with the large red print.

As a tribute, I put together a little slide show accompanied by Paul Simon’s tribute to the film. Enjoy..


Jim Says: “Every scooch together…”

I enjoy writing. Ideas for stories can be inspired by the smallest incidents while talking with friends or just being out and about. Sometimes, the idea flows smoothly and and pours onto the page like a fine wine. At other times, a full head of steam will dissipate like a fart in the wind leaving me with nowhere to go.

At times like that, I’ll just let the words fall where they may and fix it later. Here are a few examples from some of the various works in progress that have yet to be published on this site. Continue Reading