Fact Checkers

All posts tagged Fact Checkers

We’ve all heard the complaints, “Facebook is censoring posts to support the Biden campaign.” We’ve all seen the use of alleged “fact Checkers” to try to manipulate opinions by using their own particular half truths.

For example, when the so called “fact checkers” claim “Partly False: Hillary Clinton was not in court. Her legal team appears at a hearing..” Legally, yes, her attorneys represent her in court and her physical presence is not necessary. Any order of the court in a case she is a part of, applies directly to her. And in common parlance, saying someone appeared in court means that their case was heard. When someone sues Apple, the entire company doesn’t show up in the court room, just the legal representatives. I’m surprised “fact checkers” haven’t begun citing “What Was Said First v. Goes”.

So, it finally happened to me. I created a post that was centered around the fact that social media, big tech and others are blocking all coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story to prevent it from hurting his campaign. My post was taken down by Facebook citing that it violates their “community standards.”

I have reported the action requesting citation of what community standards were violated, but do not expect an answer and I read through them and cannot even find a close interpretation. My post is basically a screenshot of a friends post. They both contain a URL to GNews.com, mine is not clickable. There is no adult language, graphic images, nor content. No hate speech. Not even a call to action. Nothing that would seemingly violate any of Facebook’s declared standards. Yet, here we are.


I’m going to start deleting my content from Facebook and, after the election, deleting the account. Please feel free to bookmark my homepage as I’ll be making use of this site exclusively from now on.

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