Jim Says:”If I could find that motorcycle, it would be my daily driver.”
All posts by Jim
Many years ago, King Clyde Glunk faced a dilemma. His kingdom was about to come under siege by the Romans as they advanced through Europe. The King stepped onto his balcony and addressed his people..
“My citizens, we have a grave decision to make. The Roman army is approaching and we are badly outnumbered with no chance of victory. If we fight, we will most likely be overrun with very few survivors left to tell our tale. However, if we abandon our small kingdom to flee and hide throughout Europe, our culture will be lost and forgotten in the sands of time. I will not order you to fight. Instead, I leave the decision to you, good people. Shall we face the oncoming onslaught and fight to defend our way of life, or shall we run? I shall return in the morning for your answer.”
The next day, King Clyde Glunk, weary from a sleepless night, made his way to the balcony to once again address his people.
“Good people, I ask you. Do we run and hide? Or do we head onward into battle?”
There was silence as a lone representative from the crowd made his way to the front. He stopped, and looked up at his King. He removed his hat and began to speak…
“Your Majesty,” he said, “as your loyal subjects, we have discussed this long into the night. We have weighed every option, and have come to a solid conclusion.”
“What say you?” asked the King.
“We shall not run and hide. We shall… MARCH FORTH!”
And that’s how we came to celebrate this holiday. May you and yours have a glorius March 4th.
Jim Says:”For Sam.”
DAMMIT, Pillbury! Can we not have one simple pleasure in these trying times? My favorite childhood memory is of my Dad taking us to the Farmer’s Market for some wheat “fresh off the reaper.” It was quite the treat, you could taste how it would eventually become flour, but it was somehow.. better.
So often, when Mom was baking cookies, Dad and I would sneak into the kitchen for a teaspoon full of flour. It was like candy. Dry, gagging, powdered candy.
::sigh:: Happier times..
Jim Says: “Quick one for ya. A dementia patient and a hooker walk into the White House..”
Been taking advantage of the extra time to get a little writing in. Some long form stuff will be coming in the (hopefully) near future. In the meantime, I’ve been thinking about my motorcycle, eager to ride, and thought I’d share the story of “Storming the Bridge at Masontown.”
It’s all part of the “Black Ace” legacy I inherited from my Grandfather.
Jim says: “If a motorcycle rips across a bridge in Greene County, and no law enforcement witnesses it, does it make a moving violation?”
Not my most cinematic work, but it was surprisingly nerve wracking as I know how the colder temperature can affect battery life, etc. Even though the entire flight was closer to the house than I used to ride my bike to go play baseball as a kid.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, and enjoy.
For those keeping score, I didn’t fill out the application for night waivers properly, so my first attempt was denied. I’ll be trying again soon.
Jim says: “I had to shovel 10 inches of global warming off of my launch pad.”