
All posts tagged Video

I’ve been trying to find some extra time to ride and experiment with the 360 cameras

I did manage to get out on the 4th of July for one of my annual rides.

I’ve also been trying to find time to go through my videos to catch some good spots to edit. Caught a lucky one here..

Jim Says: “Anything that starts on two wheels can’t be that bad.”

Winter Flying

Not my most cinematic work, but it was surprisingly nerve wracking as I know how the colder temperature can affect battery life, etc. Even though the entire flight was closer to the house than I used to ride my bike to go play baseball as a kid.

Anyway, Merry Christmas, and enjoy.

For those keeping score, I didn’t fill out the application for night waivers properly, so my first attempt was denied. I’ll be trying again soon.

Jim says: “I had to shovel 10 inches of global warming off of my launch pad.”