And they rolled back the rock, and Jesus entered the cave, lightsaber at the ready..
Jim Says:”Happy Easter, you filthy bastards!”
This came in today..
I admit, I am intrigued. I googled the domain that it was sent from, and sadly it does not exist. I’m tempted to reply just to see if I can get the rest of the story.
The bigger question is, if I turn this into a screenplay, can I be sued? I would never plagiarize, but my mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention. [1]Ditto!
Anyway, this was better than any TV I’ve seen today. Thank you, random internet jackass!
Jim Says:”Will Rogers ever find love? Where is Jones now? What will we tell the magicians?”
↑1 | Ditto! |
I’ve been reading a rather interesting book lately, that covers the origin and metamorphosis of many common words and phrases.
According to Mark Forsyth’s “The Etymologicon”, the oldest recorded joke in the English language is..
What hangs at a man’s thigh and wants to poke the hole that it’s often poked before?
A key.
A dick joke from the 10th century! I love it!
Jim Says:”Faith in humanity.. Restored!”
This is an important skill every person should have..
Jim Says:”Such life saving.”