I have figured out an easy solution for those who are complaining that they are unable to pay off their student loans. Simply forgiving the debt would be unfair to those who have either already paid theirs off, those who worked to earn scholarships, or anyone who was fortunate enough to be able to afford tuition without borrowing. 

We should institute a “Diploma Refund Program.” It would be pretty simple, people could return their degree in exchange for a refund. you would turn in your diploma to the school it was received from in exchange for a tuition refund. As part of this, you would not be able to list it on a resume, application, etc., and any participating school would be obliged to tell HR verification agents that you do not hold a degree from their school. Simple

There are still some details to work out. For example, only tuition and credit fees would be refundable.  Room and board, meal plans, activity fees, etc., are services that were rendered during that time period, and are non-refundable. Books, school supplies, equipment, and other goods purchased are also non-refundable and can be sold for their current market value elsewhere and are not the responsibility of the school. 

 As to explaining a four year gap in your resume, you can tell potential employers that you were surveying college courses. Or spent 4 years at camp if you want, it will probably be the same to them. 

Now, as to the interest accrued on the loan, processing fees and the like are between you and the lender. Perhaps just letting it go to collections will get you a new piece of paper. Consider that to be a free “Certificate of Accomplishment in Personal Choices.”

Jim Says: “Too bad nobody told you that degree in 17th Century Feminist Literature would end up being useless in the modern job market, huh?”

We’ve all heard the complaints, “Facebook is censoring posts to support the Biden campaign.” We’ve all seen the use of alleged “fact Checkers” to try to manipulate opinions by using their own particular half truths.

For example, when the so called “fact checkers” claim “Partly False: Hillary Clinton was not in court. Her legal team appears at a hearing..” Legally, yes, her attorneys represent her in court and her physical presence is not necessary. Any order of the court in a case she is a part of, applies directly to her. And in common parlance, saying someone appeared in court means that their case was heard. When someone sues Apple, the entire company doesn’t show up in the court room, just the legal representatives. I’m surprised “fact checkers” haven’t begun citing “What Was Said First v. Goes”.

So, it finally happened to me. I created a post that was centered around the fact that social media, big tech and others are blocking all coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story to prevent it from hurting his campaign. My post was taken down by Facebook citing that it violates their “community standards.”

I have reported the action requesting citation of what community standards were violated, but do not expect an answer and I read through them and cannot even find a close interpretation. My post is basically a screenshot of a friends post. They both contain a URL to GNews.com, mine is not clickable. There is no adult language, graphic images, nor content. No hate speech. Not even a call to action. Nothing that would seemingly violate any of Facebook’s declared standards. Yet, here we are.


I’m going to start deleting my content from Facebook and, after the election, deleting the account. Please feel free to bookmark my homepage as I’ll be making use of this site exclusively from now on.

Jim Says: “Remember, if you are getting a service for free, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT.


On June 18, 2004 I was out in the Calico Basin just east of Red Rock Canyon to photograph a hot spring that I had heard about. After about an hour of hiking, I found the hot spring. It was basically a 2 foot bubbling puddle of mud. Not worthy of a photo, but an interesting geological phenomena.

As I was making my way back to my car, I spotted something flying around a tree that I had used as a way point. Moving closer (about 10 yards away), I saw a whole bunch of the somethings flying around the tree, with an audible buzzing sound. The tree was around 20 feet tall, and the flying buzzing things were about 3 inches long. Being smarter than the average bear, I slipped my ever present telephoto lens on my camera and zoomed in for a closer look. The attached photos show you what I spotted.

I see your “Murder Hornet” and raise you the “Tarantula Hawk.” (Google them.) They are so named because they sting a tarantula, which paralyzes it, then they lay eggs on the spider. The larvae then use the tarantula for sustenance.

With regards to humans, they are no more dangerous than a bee sting, and only to be of concern if you are allergic.
BUT.. it is the second most painful sting known to man. (I guess in 2020 we’ll say “for now.”) The official medical advice if you’re stung, is to lay down and scream. The idea is to prevent you from running/flailing about amongst the pointy rocks of the desert where you could give yourself a far more serious injury. The pain allegedly only last for a few minutes, and you’re generally wiser, but no worse for the wear. I, of course, learned all of this in the days after these things popping up between me and my car.

So, after taking a series of award worthy photos (if I do say so myself), I considered the path back to my car and thought, fuck that! The car is still out there, if you can find it, I’ll send you the keys.

Ok, that’s not entirely true. I decided to give these things a very wide berth, especially considering the fact that they can fly, and moved away from the tree. I did my best to keep the tree at least 50 yards away, but still in view, as I hiked a wide circle back to my car.

I never encountered them again in all my time in the desert.

Jim Says: Click to Enlarge. (Always good advice.)

  We here at JimCavalier.com take curtailing the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) very seriously. As a result, the “Jim Cavalier Kisses Better Than You Contest” has been temporarily postponed, as has the “Jim Will Shake Hands with Everyone in Your Hospital” challenge. We are also no longer buying, nor selling, soiled intimates until this whole thing blows over.

  I’m sure many of you will be disappointed to learn that we are no longer selling “clean” blood (all types), and urine (pregnant only) for drug tests until further notice. Sadly, this also means suspending all requests for “Things That Have Been Licked”. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Lastly, to help protect our visitors, we nightly wipe our servers, like with a rag, and, with the amount of liquor we spill around the office, we’re not really worried about anything else.

Thank you, and stay safe out there.

Jim Says: “If I survived all those cases of Milwaukee’s Best in college, I’m not really worried about this Corona crap.”