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So, I’ve been seeing this “What’s Your Excuse?” poster that some fitness idiot posted on their website that shows of her body 8 months after having her third child. There’s been arguments that this woman is helping to create a healthier country by encouraging people to be like her. There are critics that accuse her of “fat shaming” and encouraging bullying.

Let’s step into the little bubble where this is actually important enough to warrant our time..

For years, I’ve hear the argument that Barbie creates an unhealthy image for girls and she shouldn’t be touted as the “perfect woman”.

Agreed. Barbie, in addition to be a physical impossibility (because she is a fucking toy!!!), also has a corvette, a Mailbu Dream House, countless baubles, dresses and accessories. What she doesn’t have is a goddam job! Who is paying for all of this? Certainly not Ken. No, she’s been stringing her “friend Ken” along for years. Where’s the money coming from? Is there a Sugar Daddy doll that nobody knows about?

Maria Kang has been getting more support than criticism in the reports I’ve seen. And, if we’re honest, she is the problem. I took some time to read her website, and encourage you to do the same. I’m no psychologist, but I can spot crazy at ten paces. Make up your own mind. I’m calling “severe emotional damage” here. Train wreck in motion, with THREE kids, no less.

So, as someone who is “out of shape” (to put it mildly), what is my “excuse”?

For starters, I like who I am and feel quite comfortable in my skin. Does my weight limit some things I can do? Yes. Is my health at risk? Not according to my doctor. rnrnLet me point something out here. My Doctor IS someone who has been through medical school, passing all exams and boards and has been treating patients for many years, both in hospitals and private practice.

My Doctor IS NOT a realtor who is “really knowledgeable about holistic healing and has read a bunch of stuff on the internet and participated in retreats and been to ‘Burning Man’ for, like, the last twelve years running and has his own set of crystals that really work”.

Also, I really don’t care what the media says. I don’t want to be like any modern celebrity, with the possible exception of Tom Hanks. There are people who intentionally dress and act like the idiots from “Jersey Shore”. They buy into this bullshit. And the absolute LAST woman on Earth I’d care to associate with would be anyone named “Kardashian”. (Although a possible exception could be made for Kourtney. There may be hope for her yet.)

Let’s step out of the bubble, get back to the important stuff of raising families, fixing our government (it’s up to us), and helping the next generation develop better bullshit filters.

Jim Says:”I’m getting tired of this nonsense.”

Look, I’m against marriage in general. There are plenty of other ways for two people to be perfectly miserable without dragging the government, the church, and a bunch of other crap into their lives. The only benefit I can see is a tax break, but maybe I’m just bitter.rnrnSo, if you want to marry another (or several) consenting adult(s), I’m fine with it. Knock yourself out. It’s like a great gamble where you bet half of your stuff. That’s your “Pursuit of Happiness”? I see no harm, no victim, no problem whatsoever.

Of all the people that should be supporting same sex marriage, I would expect the divorce lawyers lobby to be at the front. In my time as a bouncer, and having gay friends, I can tell you that Nobody fights like gay men! I mean just brutality, vengeful, spiteful, plain old scary. There is a cottage industry waiting to happen if I’ve ever seen one.
Jim says:” Of all the problems we face today, this is NOT one of them. Grow up!”

As the election draws closer and the blame for the rough economy gets thrown from party to party, I’m reminded of the plan a few years ago to build a wall along the Mexican border to prevent people from sneaking back to Guadalajara with our jobs hidden under their coats

It got me to thinking, as long we’re going to use this as a “job creator” and hide behind the promise that it is somehow not racist but, in fact, protection of some kind, let’s do it right. I’ve drawn up a map with a few additional improvements.

(Click to enlarge)

As you can see, the original border wall is still in place, to help protect our jobs and such. I’ve also added a couple of much needed ones. First, is the wall across the Northern edge of Florida, henceforth to be known as “North Cuba”. That’s right, I say we wall it off and give it to Cuba as an apology and sign of goodwill. I know what you’re saying, how is giving someone millions of acres of swampland populated with inbred luddites a sign of good will? Well, we’re including Disney World. And two Primanti Brothers.

In addition to that, we can build a second wall around Luisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. These 4 states will now be known as “Nascaristan”. This idea has been a long time coming, but the final straw was the incident from an episode of Top Gear UK, where Alabama embarrasses our entire country on the global stage.


Full segment from Top Gear HERE

The real genius of this plan is that having Cuba just on the other side of the border wall, Nascaristan will be so busy hating on them for no reason to cause problems for the rest of us.

Then again, we can always just apply my usual foreign policy and “Nuke them from space”.

Jim Says: “How am I not President?”